Saturday, April 15, 2017

Killington Eastern

比基尼美眉无疑是滑雪山上最靓丽的风景线;而最令人钦佩的是背着大包穿着滑雪板往山上爬的美女(省了一笔可观的缆车钱,还有很好的减肥效果呢!)。还有一帮人,下了刚朵拉不穿上雪板往山下滑,而是扛着傢伙往山后的小道儿爬,路牌指着一条双黑的道儿,名曰Cat Walk, 大概意思是要有山猫的技术才敢去的道吧。

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Two days ago, we all sat by the kitchen table eating our last meal of the weekend and trying not to think about the coming week of working/ school days. 
Looking forward to the weather can always be an exception. Zimo swiped through his phone and said, " we are getting lots of rain on Tuesday. " 
"Is it guaranteed to rain on Qingming?" I shook my head in disbelieve. 
"It's always gloomy and grey on that day." Erman said
We were both surprised. Not only because she knows the thing but also the as-a-matter-of-fact way she said it. 
She made me think more about the name of this special day.
"It is called Clear and Bright, but..." 
"The actual day is the opposite. " she finished my sentence. "Is it the day you go and sweep the tomb stone?" she asked. 
Then I remembered I had told her about the memorial ceremonies a long time ago. I'd probably cited her the famous poem about Qingming. 
She didn't ask me what we were supposed to eat on this day. ( She memories Chinese festivals by each traditional food.) She probably knew that the pig, cow and lamb are sacrifices. 

I took a day off work today but still got up early this morning. Breakfast was ready when Zimo and Erman got down stairs. The aroma of coffee and crepe wafted through the kitchen made me feel warm and cozy even though it was raining outside. 
I looked through the patio door. The recent warm temperature and rain had melted most of the snow. Only a patch of white left in a small shady area at the corner of the fence. Pretty soon the crocuses would come out and after that the backyard would burst into bloom of the colors of the rainbow. After all "April rains bring May Flowers".

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


情人节最紧张的人是谁?答案: 父母和老师。

几周前一个学生家长来给孩子请假,一家人去Arizona 渡假。"太可惜了,她会错过Valentine's Day。" 当妈的觉得很过意不去。我们赶紧告诉她,不用担心我们会把收到的卡片放进提前装饰好的Valentine bag里,她才满意地离去。

2 月14号那天,我比往常更精心打扮一番,特意穿上一条大红色的连衣裙。来到学校,小朋友都迫不及待地脱下雪服、雪裤,秀一秀自己的Valentine's day outfit。 手里还都捧着大包小包的,给全班同学的卡片。其实都是父母准备的。

我赶紧在他们还没有打开包包自行散发之前宣布,"All Valentines go in this bin in front of the classroom! " 等小朋友都进教室安顿好以后,我再一一带着往每个小朋友的Valentine bag 里分放卡片和礼物。

在之前我们对家长千叮咛万嘱咐,卡片上只写To my friend, 还是有人写了小朋友的名字,我们就得对号放卡,很费时间。一早上尽分卡片了。


我也收到一些可爱的卡片和甜甜的巧克力。年年岁岁卡相似,岁岁年年人不同。Valentine's day 不是情人的专利。愿小朋友,大朋友每年都有快乐的"爱"人节!